A Sailing Documentary Is Born

“Why don’t you do a video documentary of your sailing trip?” asks Patrice one cold winter day in 2013 when I come over to bring him a new product that he is supposed to shoot for us. It’s not hard to come up with an answer to that: I have no idea at all about filming, let alone editing. “We’ll work something out, don’t worry. I think it could be an interesting project”, he mumbles back to me whilst he is setting the light for the photograph to be taken.

When I was preparing myself to go on this sailing trip, I spent hours on the internet researching Blogs, Forums and Websites to find the information I needed to get started. I read tons of books and went to a couple of seminars to grove into the different topics a future boat owner might need to know.

During my search, I found out, that there is a very wide range of sailor types out there. But I also had the feeling that the majority of the people seemed to have a bigger budget, a wider knowledge and more sailing experience than me before they departed on their big trip.


If there was some naïve dreamer who would dare to post in a sailing forum about the idea to sail the world with neither a lot of money nor a lot of experience, it would not be unlikely, that quite a crowd of sailors would jump onto that thread to make sure this person understood what a fool he or she was and that what he or she were up to was either totally crazy, irresponsible or just impossible. I have to admit that I did not even dare to post one single word in those forums. But I read the comments on a couple of those posts, and I felt directly addressed by the sharp answers of the crowd, noticing myself becoming smaller and smaller in my chair and finally switching off the computer feeling slightly ashamed about myself. Because I was one of them, one of those naïve dreamers.

I am watching Patrice taking the first shots of the product and my thoughts circle around what he just said. A video documentary…

Sometimes, just one single story, one single voice is sufficient to give you some hope back and luckily, I had found a handful of those during my investigation. And there it was: the proof, that it was possible. They had done it, so there must be a way. They gave me the confidence, that I would have a chance as well, if I just tried.


What if my story could be one of those? One of those that help people decide to go and pursue their dream even if it might sound crazy in the beginning? What if I could add my voice to those “Just do it” people who inspired me during my search?

Patrice picks up the phone. “Hey, I think I found a boat. It seems like this adventure is really about to happen…and…I was wondering…are you still up for this video documentary thing?” Two days later, I am sitting at his kitchen table, a steaming coffee in my hands. And another “Just do it” project is born: UNTIE THE LINES.

Since that day, we have produced 52 episodes together. I do the filming, browse through the material and upload between 50-200 little 10 seconds videos to Patrice. He then edits the episode, ads music to it and uploads it to the White Spot Pirates YouTube channel. Without him, his initial idea, but also all the hours he invested into editing all these episodes of UNTIE THE LINES, this project would never have been possible. Thank you, Patrice!
