Become A White Spot Pirate!

This is so exciting! Many people have asked me in the past if there are any White Spot Pirates shirts and today I can finally answer with a “yes, there are!” I work as a brand ambassador for NO&YO, an outdoor adventure clothing brand from California who’s core values overlap with the idea of White Spot Pirates: to inspire people to go out there and chase their dreams!

There was a two week pre-order for the White Spot Pirates shirts with a price of 28$ until the 8th of June 2016, but the ordering is now closed. To reduce the risk of production costs, we started the production after closing the pre-orders . That is why it took some time after the ordering until the shirts eventually arrived at your home. I know that this is a fairly long time…but the print of the shirts has a very high quality, which is why it takes quite some of time to produce the shirts. But you know, good things come to the ones who wait, right? I am currently on the Island Grand Cayman and about to head out for my last solo passage in the Caribbean, heading back to Panama, to close my Caribbean Circle. If everything goes as planned, KARL and me will cross into the Pacific mid July. With the purchase of a White Spot Pirates shirt, you will not only receive a super soft shirt with an awesome design, you will also support KARL and my crossing of the Panama Canal. Thanks for your support and I cannot wait to see some White Spot Pirates out there soon!!! A big thanks to Yanni from No&Yo for supporting my journey with this great shirt-cooperation! You can also find an interview about KARL and my travels on their Blog that we did when I joined the No&Yo Ambassador Program. Ahoy, Nike & KARL