UNTIE THE LINES II #18 – Round And Round

In the second of our San Andres videos we take you on a scooter ride around the island. We took the road that runs around the island once. A scooter is really the best way to get around the island.

map of san andres

We stopped at a lovely little beach on the way to have some lunch. Matthieu is from France, but lives in Switzerland and he had brought some realy yummie cheese and saussage. It’s something that is hard to find round here. And if you do find it, it’s usually super expensive and not so good.

two french saussages inside a sailboat galley

Apart from the little trip around the island, we had to do some boat work. And we had to fill up Karl’s water tanks. In San Andres, the water at the marina is not drink able. The only way to fill your tanks (if you don’t have a watermaker or raincatcher) is to buy big water jugs and row them over to you boat. Once they are empty, you have to bring them back to get back the deposit for the bottles.

It was quite the act to get all the water on bard. It surely always lets you become more aware of each drop of fresh water you use. That is also why we bought a little five liter fumigation tank that we want to use as a shower. After the first trial, we found out that we use less than a liter for a fresh water rinse. Pretty good, right?

four empty water jugs on a sailboat

fumigation tank used as shower on sailboat

After we were done with it all, we headded back into town and had one of the famous “coco loco”. It’s a rum punch that comes in a coconut. “Coco loco” means crazy coconut. If you’ve tried one, you will know why they call it that…

couple on a beach with two coconut cocktails

Thanks for watching our San Andres videos! Next week we head out to sail further north, so stay tuned!